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Stay updated with our project: 6 countries, 12 partners, 4 living labs, and endless sustainability opportunities.

The Urban Gardening Symposium

The Urban Gardening Symposium, held on 21st November at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, brought together experts to discuss the future of urban agriculture in response to the expected global population surge to 10 billion by 2050, with 68% living in urban areas.

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UrbanFarming.pl Conference

On May 17, 2024, the Gdańsk Lab, one of the four Living Labs of the Feed4Food project, was showcased during a study visit as part of the “UrbanFarming.pl Conference on the Future of Urban Farms”. The conference, held at the Hevelianum on Gradowa Mountain, served as a dedicated platform for delving into innovative urban farming practices, fostering knowledge exchange, and inspiring the development of sustainable cities where agriculture is a fundamental component.

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The Feed4Food Project

Feed4Food project aims at transforming urban food systems into sustainable, inclusive, and health-focused models. Our mission is to uplift vulnerable

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